The Link… command has been replaced with an Anchor popUp menu, to match the HTML terminology. Named Anchors are indexed by document, and creating a HyperText link to another document is simplified.
URL Popup Menu
The URL popup menu provides a simple way of creating a URL from the documents in the editor. Click and drag on the popup menu to see a list of all documents within the editor. Your menu selection becomes a URL within the editable field to the right of the button. Note that this does not provide for directory hierarchy. An example of adding the hierarchy yourself is below. If the URL provided by the popup menu was
and "wsmith_bio.html" is in a "wsmith" folder within a "people" folder, the correct URL would be
You can copy the text from the URL edit field by selecting it with the mouse and typing Command-C.
Set Named Anchor
A named anchor is not as common on the Web as the standard HyperText link (or "anchor"), but provides a useful way of jumping to a specific place within a large document, similar to the way this Help text window operates. Each heading within the large document is tagged with Named Anchors, then HyperText links jump to the document and automatically scroll to the specified Named Anchor.
To create a named anchor, select the text that is to become the jump-to point, then choose Set Named Anchor from the Anchor menu and enter the name of the Named Anchor, as in:
<A NAME="edmonton">Edmonton</A> is Alberta's provincial capital and…
Now to create a link to the named anchor, you include not only the filename, but also the named anchor, separated by a hash mark "#":
Driving through <A HREF="cities.html#edmonton">Edmonton</a> we saw many…
Now clicking on the word "Edmonton" in the above text would send the reader directly to the word "Edmonton" in the linked document.
To create an anchors to a specific sections within the current document, the technique is exactly the same except that the file name is omitted, as in
Driving through <A HREF="#edmonton">Edmonton</a> we saw many…
Note: The NCSA Mosaic Back button does not work for an anchor within a document because the Back button is designed to move to a previous document. Move back manually within the document using the scroll bar.
Create HyperText Link
Anchors provide the method for linking documents on WWW. Clicking on a section of text (also called HyperText) causes the browser to load the linked document. An anchor consists of a word or phrase surrounded by anchor tags, the first tag enclosing the link to the remote document. See A Beginner's Guide to HTML for more information on anchors.
To create an anchor, select the word or phrase which you intend to become the HyperText text, then choose Create HyperText Link from the Anchor menu. Type the URL to be used as the linked document into the dialog box.
Index Anchors
Displays a list of all anchors within the current document. See also HTML Code Indexing.
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